How to Remove Stains from Baby Clothes


There are some universal truths in the world—water is wet, the sun rises in the east, 和 babies are adorable mess-makers. Babies tend to dirty their clothes in dozens of ways, from baby food stains to poop stains, leaving new parents feeling as if they’re 不断地 洗衣服. 你可能还会发现,你个人常用的去除污渍的方法并不适用于你孩子的衣柜. 

So how do you get stains out of baby clothes? Well, you start with this guide. 

幸运的是, 我们有一些很棒的婴儿安全清洁十大彩票网赌平台,对他们的皮肤温和,可以清洁任何东西,从婴儿奶瓶到带有粪便污渍的连体衣. 我们会回答你十大彩票网赌平台如何彻底去除宝宝衣服上的污渍的最紧迫的问题

Pre-Soak Stains Before They Set

While it can be cute watching your baby be silly 和 make a mess, it’s 不 as cute cleaning up afterwards. 学习 how to clean baby clothes,尤其是如何去除婴儿衣服上的污渍,是非常重要的. 而不是等待污渍沉淀,可能会破坏你的小家伙最喜欢的连体衣, you can take preemptive action with the following pre-soak strategies:

  • Preclean the stain with water -轻微的污渍只需要湿毛巾就能把它们弄松,让你的生活更轻松. After carefully dabbing your baby’s stained clothes with a cool, 湿布, you can toss 他们 in the wash 和 watch the stains come out. 但是动作要快——你越早清洗衣服,污渍就越有可能去除.
  • Use a pre-soak treatmentYou can use our ECOS plant-powered 洗衣粉 to pretreat light stains. 它具有易于生物降解的配方,并在我们的气候积极工厂制造. 你所需要做的就是把洗涤剂直接擦在污渍上,然后把衣服扔进洗衣机. Keep in mind that protein stains such as breast milk, 尿液, or fecal residue 将 need a不her cleaning agent beyond H2O. 对于这种情况,可以考虑在洗涤前使用酶预浸泡处理来清洁污渍.

We recommend using products that feature the 安全的选择 logo. 更安全精选十大彩票网赌平台对环境更安全,性能和传统清洁剂一样好, minus the harmful ingredients. 更安全的选择, 你可以放心,你的去污剂中的每一种成分都经过审查,符合一些最严格的标准,以确保你和你的孩子的健康.

3 Pre-Soak Treatments Safer for Baby Clothes

When considering a pre-soak treatment for your baby’s clothes, 从洗衣柜的架子上拿下来之前要仔细想想. 强化学物质会附着在婴儿衣服的织物上,最后附着在宝宝的皮肤上, potentially causing rashes 和 irritation. Instead, you need a gentle enzyme cleaner that has a safer formula.

While enzyme cleaners are effective, especially when pre-soaking, 不 every product is safe for use on your baby’s clothes. In fact, some of 他们 can even be harmful to your baby’s delicate skin. 

那么,你可以相信哪些十大彩票网赌平台可以让你的宝宝看起来清爽,感觉最好呢? You can make your own baby-safe pre-soak solutions using ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent with EnzymesECOS OxoBrite® Multi-Purpose Stain Remover.

#1 ECOS’s OxoBrite® Multi-Purpose Stain Remover

A pre-soak treatment you can trust is ECOS OxoBrite® Multi-Purpose Stain Remover. 它的清洁, 无味配方是不含氯的,由矿物质成分制成,不会刺激宝宝的皮肤,但是 cut through stains.

  • 在一个大容器或碗中混合一加仑水和一勺氧白脱油
  • Put your baby’s clothes in the mix
  • Let 他们 soak until stains come out, up to 24 hours if needed

#2 A DIY Detergent Paste

另一种选择是将ECOS洗涤剂和 ECOS OxoBrite® Multi-Purpose Stain Remover. Armed with these ingredients, you’ll want to follow the next few steps:

  1. 将等量的ECOS洗衣粉和OxoBrite混合成糊状.
  2. 用柔软的牙刷或毛巾,用浆糊完全覆盖污渍,然后揉搓.
  3. Let the treatment sit for at least 15–20 minutes, then wash as usual.

When H和 Washing, Try Warm Water

在唱歌 Wheels on the Bus 你已经说了一百遍了,当孩子终于睡下他们的时候,你自己也在小睡, we know that 不 everyone has the time needed to pre-soak clothes. 有时你只需要一个快速简单的解决方案,并尽可能少的说明.

If this sounds like you, don’t worry. Pre-soaking isn’t the only method of tackling mild stains. 洗手时, 你也可以用温水轻轻地洗掉衣服上的口水或配方污渍. 

Try these tips to get the most out of your warm water washes: 1

  • Don’t let the water become too hot – Keep the water temperature between 85 和 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Any hotter than that, 而且水可能会使不适合高温的衣服缩水或损坏.
  • Be careful about the stains you try to remove – With certain stains, using warm or hot water might actually make 他们 更多的 likely to stay in the fabric. For example, hot water may set protein stains, such as eggs or milk. If you’re using a warm water wash, be careful you’re 不 setting the stain you want to remove by mistake.
  • Supplement with a stain remover – When you’re in a rush, 在你洗的衣服上直接加入一勺OxoBrite是一种很好的方法,可以提高你的去污力,而不需要预先浸泡.

To Save Stained White Fabrics, Embrace the Power of the Sun


When you leave your baby’s white clothes out to dry on a line, 来自太阳的紫外线可以通过以下方式帮助衣服保持最佳形状:

  • Acting as a natural alternative to bleach
  • Stopping your baby’s outfits from discoloring
  • Preventing yellow stains from forming on your child’s clothes

Why You Shouldn’t Reach for Bleach

漂白剂显然对你的宝宝不健康,不应该用在他或她的衣服上. 它可能会在织物上留下残留物,可能会转移到孩子的皮肤上,造成严重伤害. 
Even in small amounts, bleach can cause:

  • Respiratory damage
  • 对眼睛的伤害
  • Irritation 和 even burns to skin

除此之外, 漂白剂对我们的生态系统也有剧毒,可能对我们的星球造成不幸的后果. 特别是当涉及到我们宝宝的敏感皮肤时,最好远离它.

但是,不能使用漂白剂并不意味着你必须放弃让宝宝的连体衣恢复原来明亮的白色. 取而代之的是,利用ECOS的天然美白功效和婴儿安全的去渍剂.

Father line drying clothes while holding a baby

Tips for Preventing Stains on Baby Clothes

在弄洒谷物和吐出来的污渍之间,混乱是为人父母不可否认的一部分. Still, those messy moments can lead to some incredibly special memories. 毕竟, 当一个婴儿第一次被意大利面和肉丸子晚餐覆盖时,她的笑容无疑是可爱的. 

把这些洒出来的东西当作生活的事实来接受,摆脱任何挥之不去的洗衣担忧, 尝试以下预防措施来帮助保护孩子的衣服——至少在他们的下一个生长高峰期:

  • 围起来 – You can never have too many bibs. Bibs act as textile armor to your baby’s clothes during meal times, helping reduce accidental spills 和 stains.
  • Load up on spit-up rags -吐出来的抹布是保护你的衣服不受宝宝剧烈打嗝的伤害的理想选择. However, they can also help you proactively work against stains. As soon as a spot appears, 用附近干净的抹布一角轻拍宝宝衣服上的残留物. The 更多的 material you can get off the fabric right away, the easier time you’ll have getting the stain out later.
  • Embrace the birthday suit – Who says your baby has to wear clothes all the time? 如果天气允许,你的宝宝可以穿着生日装(和尿布)去吃饭. Worst case scenario, the spills l和 on 他们 和 不 their clothes. Just know that bath time 将 probably follow suit. But hey, bathtime with your little one is sweeter than any stain treatment.
  • Pay attention to baby clothes labels – Shopping for baby clothes is one of the most fun parts of parenthood. 是什么 有趣的是买了最可爱的衣服,却发现你的宝宝的全套衣服要花100美元 只能干洗 laundering (believe it or 不, such temperamental baby clothes do exist). 在你买之前,看看衣服的标签,看看说明. The easier it is to wash, the easier it’ll likely be to get stains out

Eliminate Stains From Your Baby’s Clothes with ECOS

温和的十大彩票网赌平台对你的宝宝更好,但找到一种效果良好的十大彩票网赌平台可能是具有挑战性的. That’s where ECOS comes in. Our plant-powered product含有较少的化学物质,这些化学物质会刺激宝宝的皮肤或引起过敏反应. But they’re also designed to deliver an effective clean in one try, 这样你就不会一遍又一遍地洗同样的衣服,并希望看到不同的结果.